I’ve been playing MtG for a long time now, and as of late, I only play and follow Legacy, Vintage, and EDH formats. The following is a few selected decklists that I created and have played with. You’ll find detailed descriptions of each in the accompanying links. (Ordered by format.)
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
‘Planet of the Monkey’ is my Ragavan (R) control-voltron list for competitive 1v1 EDH. (1v1 EDH)
Deadguy Ale - Land Tax variation
A variation of Deadguy Ale (Aggro-Tempo) that brings a Land Tax package to add an alternative win-con (Zombie Infestation) and card-advantage engine (Scroll Rack) to the already tried-and-tested core-list. (Legacy)
Rubinia Old School (Pre-Tempest)
A casual Rubinia (Bant) Control deck that has two noteworthy restrictions: (1) It only includes cards originally printed before the Tempest block (until mid-97); (2) It follows the current EDH banned list. (Multiplayer EDH - Pre-Tempest variant)